Feel the Everything-ness¹

When you Find the place
Where you Are, Practice occurs²
In walking, just Walk – in sitting,
Just Sit – above all, Don’t Wobble³
Meditation in Activity is a Thousand
Times Superior to meditation in Stillness⁴
There is no special principle in the study of the
Way – it’s only necessary to See and Hear Directly⁵
“What is the Way?” – “Ordinary Mind is the Way”⁶
Instead of Quoting the Buddha – Be the Buddha⁷
A Voluptuous Surrender – utterly Immersed in
What’s Present so the surroundings fade away⁸
Zen makes you Do what you’re doing all the
Time – only it makes you do it Consistently⁹
Zen must be seized with Bare
Hands – with No Gloves on¹⁰

¹ Maria Popova, Why Poetry, Why Now
² Dōgen tr. Robert Aiken & Kazuaki Tanahashi, Genjo Koan
³ Yunmen Wenyan tr. unknown
⁴ Hakuin Ekaku tr. unknown
⁵ Shido Bunan Zenji tr. Thomas Cleary, quoted by Meido Moore, Hidden Zen
⁶ Nanquan tr. Koun Yamada, The Gateless Gate 19
⁷ Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now
⁸ Rebecca Solnit, A Field Guide to Getting Lost
⁹ Alan Watts, Zen Tales
¹⁰ D.T. Suzuki, An Introduction to Zen Buddhism