The Greatest Beauty earth can offer?
I say: Whatever one most Lusts after²
Dreaming that the Antidote is Orgasm³
She Lures & Rebuffs, Forces & Clasps
Him, Delights in his Mastery – until He’s
Vanquished, resting Exhausted at her side⁴
Have you ever been to Electric Lady Land?⁵
Carnal Communion she’s (C)literally Craving⁶
Sex is our Great Connection with the World – at
Its most Felicitous & Spiritual it’s no Servitude
Since it Informs Everything and enables us to
Inhabit & Enjoy all we touch and look upon⁷
Sex is Justified, even Sanctified, as soon as,
But only as long as, it is a Vehicle of Love:
Sex is a way of Expressing the Experience
Of that Ultimate Togetherness called Love⁸
I want us to Merge: a Unification, a
Complete, Comingling Infusion of
Separate beings to form New ones⁹
Stay in me until our Bodies
Forget what Divides us¹⁰
¹ Laura Hershey, etc.
² Sappho tr. Aaron Poochigian, Some Call Ships
³ Regina Spektor, Genius Next Door
⁴ Hermann Hesse tr. Joachim Neugroschel, Siddhartha
⁵ Jimi Hendrix, Have You Ever Been (To Electric Ladyland)
⁶ Elizabeth Johnston Ambrose, The Ten Commandments
⁷ Iris Murdoch, The Black Prince
⁸ Viktor E. Frankl tr. Ilse Lasch, Man’s Search for Meaning
⁹ Kazunori Itô tr. Paul C. Halbert & Taro Yoshida, Ghost in the Shell
¹⁰ Danez Smith, Bare