Can you See your Face?
Always God Behind the Mask²
Listen to the Soul-Sending Scriptures³
Why have humans Rooted themselves thus
Firmly in the Earth, but that they may Rise
The same proportion to the Heavens above⁴
Our Bodily Presence is Unimportant compared
To our Angelic Presence – which is Continual⁵
Heav’n Breathes thro’ ev’ry member of the Whole:
One common Blessing, as One common Soul⁶
The currents of the Universal Being circulate
Through me – I am Part or Parcel of God⁷
Angels are the Powers Hidden in the
Faculties and Organs of Humanity⁸
Our Whole Task’s to Hack some
Angel-Shape Worth Wearing⁹
Life is the Life of God in Us¹⁰
¹ Psalms 82:6 (King James)
² Desirée Alvarez, Call & Response Between Colonizer & Colonized
³ Jidi Majia tr. Denis Mair, Listening to the Soul-Sending Scriptures
⁴ Henry David Thoreau, Walden
⁵ Ursula K. Le Guin, Paradise Lost
⁶ Alexander Pope, Epistle IV
⁷ Ralph Waldo Emerson, An Transparent Eyeball
⁸ Idries Shah
⁹ Sylvia Plath, Firesong
¹⁰ Mother Teresa, Her Essential Wisdom