Themed Centos


Art: Arts Draw Light from the Soul’s Well

Centos: Mature Poets Steal

Poetry: Poetry Arrives in Search of Us

Poets: I Write – Poets – All

Write: To Mark the Paper

Witness: Through Me Forbidden Voices

Radical Art: Speak Yourself Free

Bad Poetry: Manufacturing Poetry

Words: Words Burn as a Witness for Us

Language: Only Language Defies Reality

Metaphors: I’m Metaphoring

Translation: Can I Translate Myself to You?

Stories: Make Yourself a Name in Story

Books: Trees Grow out of Books

Music: Tufts of Tunes – Permitted Gods

Visual Art: A Portraitist of Light

Images: Manna for the Eye

Forms: Form Follows Function

Drama: If It’s an Act – We Play Along

Beauty: Beauty Awakens the Soul to Act

Manifesting: Naming Gives Us Form


Life: Specks of Pulsating Life

Soul: A Scheme of the Universe in the Soul

Breath: Some Dine on Oxygen

Hearts: Hover on a Heartbeat

Thoughts: One Thought Fills Immensity

Sleep: I Sleep the Clock Round

Dreams: Dreams Not Wishes ­– But Poems

Fate: When Play Turns Fate

Hope: While I Breathe I Hope

Memory: Tapestries of Repressed Memories

Emotions: A Pagan Urge Sweeps Me

Joy: Joy – Bright Spark of Divinity

Sadness: Hail Divinest Melancholy

Anger: Live Hurricane of Fury

Fear: Terror Buds

Pain: Spasms of Deep Sweet Hurt

Despair: Comforter – Where is Your Comforting?

Home: Arc of Vision Bending Home

Journeys: Breached Horizons

Sickness: Despair Tends the Sick

Healing: To Be Sick of Sickness is the Only Cure

Fame: Engirdled by Eminences

Aggrandizement: I’m a Myth Proven True

Infinite Self: Eternalists Give It the Name Self

No Self: I, Selfless, Am Supreme


Nature: Wilderness is Paradise Enow

Universe: Celestial Navigation: Heaven Sailing

Stars: Incarnations of the Stars

Sun: Orbit the Sun Inside You

Moon: Moon of Melting Gold

Mountains: Life-Encrusted Hills

Rocks: We Eat Stone for Food

Seas: A Sea For Us – a Sea Against Us

Rivers: River – an Unnamed Flowing

Trees: Find in the Trees a Savior

Flowers: I Love You Flesh into Blossom

Animals: Lead Babel Tongues of Animals to Choir

Birds: See the Bird – Reach It!

Insects: Insects Say Their mantras

Gardens: We are Earthseed

Matter: Alive with Jostling Particles

Degradation: Hear Wounded Earth Cry

Suffering Birds: Leaden Birds

Treeless: A Leaf – Treeless

Veganism: Life is More than Meat

Cars: Vehicles Devour Space


Time: Deprive Time of Further Hostages

Moments: Be Eternal for This Instant

Eternity: Time Unveils Eternity!

Morning: Dawn Never Burned Clearer

Evening: Perpetual Dusk

Past: The Past Undetonated

Present: In Passing’s Present Tense

Future: Practice the Future

Seasons: The Time of Year Ennobles You

Geological Time: Memoirs of an Interglacial Age


War: The Pity War Distills

Violence: Count the Droppings of My Victim-Blood

Soldiers: We March in Death’s Company

Empire: Our Wars – Their Remains

War Profiteers: War Profiteers are Villains

Weapons: We Drop Truth – and Grab Weapons

Guns: Feed the Guns – O Torpid Soul!

Bombs: We Scatter Bombs like Fairy Dust

Nukes: Nuclear Umbrella

Peace: Bullets Begin to Flower


Power: Reality is Inimical to Power

Injustice: Injustice is Done Knowingly

Complicity: They’re Dying of My Cowardice

Voting: Ask No Questions but the Price of Votes

Work: Industrial Blindness & Social Deafness

Money: All – is the Price of All

Sexism: Gender Treachery

Racism: They Want Me to Wear Different Skin

Police: Hairy Fairies with Lethal Wands

Prison: Prison: a Perversion

Borders: Walls Drip Blood

Migration: Stanzas of Exile

Technology: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

News: Headlines Clot in My Blood

America: I, Too, Sing America


Wisdom: Wisdom is Seeking Wisdom

Knowledge: Ocean-Like Teachings

Learning: One Who Learns – Teaches

Sages: The Absent Sage Speaks

Virtue: Merits are Stamped Upon Us Indelibly

Truth: My Strength is the Living Truth

Motivation: Finite to Fail – Infinite to Venture

Patience: Settle Past a Patience

Don’t Talk: Let Us Not Waste Words

Silence: Stark Unprinted Silence

Science: Science is Magic that Works

Math: The Mathematical Poetry of Motion

Anti-Intellectualism: Reas’ning but to Err


Love: Love Ennobles All

Heartbreak: No Love for One So Loving

Romance: I Carry Your Heart in My Heart

Embrace: Engraft Our Hands

Kisses: Kiss the Way a Flower Opens

Sex: I Kiss You – Etc.

Marriage: We Dare Lay Our Lyfe to Wedde

Anti-Marriage: Damned to Love Once

Radical Love: Love Those Who Are Hardest to Love

Expansive Love: The Planet of Love is on High


God: Heaven-Realm’s Guardian

Faith: Faith Opens the Lungs

Heaven: Heaven Glitters – Inlaid

Angels: The Aungil Comes fro Hevene Tour

Hell: Adequate of Hell

Anti-Religion: Your Sainthood is the Sin

Atheism: Atheists Pray Full of Sarcasm

Prayers: Handless Prayers

Meditation: Psychic Hygiene: Meditation

Samsara: I Gnaw My Heart with Meditation

Experience: Feel the Everything-ness

Awakening: The Great Thing is No-Mind

Being God: Ye Are Gods


Family: Kindred as Responsive as Porcelain

Babies: The Infant Love of All Our Race

Children: Youth Smiles Celestial

Mothers: Mother of My Mortal Part

Fathers: Patriarchs of the Infant World

Friends: Hemmed by Friends

Doctors: Doctor – I Mean Lord


Light: Student of Light

Darkness: Genuine Night Admits No Ray

Color: Choirs of Color

Dancing: Com ant Daunce wyth Me

Flying: Fate Hangs on Every Wingflap

Fire: How Yu Stroll Tru da Fyah

Alcohol: Bent and Dreaming Drinkers

Drugs: Every Junkie’s a Setting Sun¹

Houses: A Landscape of Boxed Interiors


Death: What Time is it? What Death is it?

Dying: This is Not an Auto-Elegy

Age: Wealth: a Well-Spent Age

Suicide: Suicide as a Sort of Present

Grief: Hear Our Lost People Speak

Re-Birth: Flowers of Bone


Revolution: I’m Enemy of Today’s Order

Freedom: Eternal Spirit of a Chainless Mind

Anti-Nationalism: I Will Not Kiss Your Flag

Borderless: Chant Walls Down with Song

Worker Revolt: My Path to God is a Worker’s Uprising

Work: Honest Labour Bears a Lovely Face

Racial Liberation: Make a Poet Black and Bid Him Sing!

Feminism: We are All Impossible Women

Queerness: Queer Genealogy

Act: Give a Pledge & Suffer for It

Minimalism: All That’s Mine I Carry With Me

Community: In Each the Trace of Each